The Green Neon Bike

Puteri Kintan
2 min readOct 30, 2022


My childhood story

Veritas odit moras (Truth hates delay) — Sophocles. My 5 minutes writing for 2 minutes childhood story before bed.

Old Bike —

Kata Romo, berbuat baik itu pada dasarnya hal biasa bukan hal luar biasa. Bukan suatu event yang harus ada timbal baliknya. Begitu pun kebahagiaan. Harusnya SOP dan KPI kebahagiaan itu simple dan tidak banyak. Tapi manusia modern apalagi yang tinggal di perkotaan sering banget memperumit SOP kebahagiaan itu.

Dulu pas aku kecil umur sekitar 5 tahun, aku ga punya sepeda. Ngrengek nangis tapi ibuku yang saat itu masih sendiri belum bisa afford buat beli sepeda. Akhirnya Om ku yang brengsek bilang ke tetangga, “Putri pengen sepeda. Sepedamu itu dah bekas kan, sini aku minta”. Trus di sore hari dia bawa pulang sepeda karatan sama pilox ijo gatau bekas apa pokoknya bekas aja sisaan. Next day, aku pulang dari taman kanak-kanak, jalan kaki di pinggi sawah, sepedanya udah ada.

Inget banget jalan kampung belum ada aspalnya alias masih bebatuan tapi aku tetep aja dengan pedenya naik itu sepeda ngikutin ibuku yang naik sepeda lebih besar di depan. I hate him with all my energy right now but I used to love him and thanked him for that green bike and every joy or happiness he gave to me when I was a kid.

This is not a gratitude journal but I feel so tired these days. All I can do right now are read, write, and put on a clay face mask as it can solve all of my problems but not.

I used to be that cute happy little girl riding a green neon mini bike in my neighbourhood. Now I’m a girl in my twenties reminiscing the warm old days. Because, why not?

They say a girl in their 26 must be a full-bloomed flower and ready to be picked. However, every petal doesn’t have the same opportunity to stay there. Some parts of it need to be gone so the flower can stay alive.

Here I finished this short journal as if the dry petal of my mind had just fallen to the ground. I hope the better part of the flower will be seen tomorrow. Besok senin dan harus bekerja dengan bahagia, folk!

How about your childhood story that is glued to your mind? Do you have the same bike story just like me? Please tell your story if we met.



Puteri Kintan

I would like to paint the way a bird sings - Claude Monet. Therefore I would like to write like the pouring rain.